Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We have all been in Indiana for just over a week now. The 3 of us all made it safely, Danny's drive was long but everything went really well. We have really been enjoying time with family and meeting new people. It has been amazing at how friendly and helpful everyone has been. A handful of guys came over and helped Danny unload the moving truck. We have finally gotten unpacked and are getting settled. This week Danny has been spending a lot of time looking for a job and working on getting his Indiana CDL Lisence along with all the endorsements. The weather has been beautiful here and we have really been enjoying the country side. There are corn fields and soy bean fields every where and everything is so green. Annika has been adjusting well. She love living with her Oma, Opa and Auntie Amy and Katie. We are staying with my parents and there are a couple house's near by that have goats, sheep, and horses. She loves the animals. She is walking all over the place and really enjoying that freedom that goes along with it. We have been taking walks and biking in the evenings. I would love to post some pictures but I have yet to find my camera cord. So when I do I will post some pictures. We have apprecaited everyone support. We can not wait until Danny finds a job and see what else is in store for us! We miss everyone in Sonoma County but are both really happy to be here in Indiana!

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