Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009



Merry Christmas! We woke up Christmas morning and all the snow we had melted over night. So we did not get a white Christmas but on Sunday it snowed again and so much! It was so pretty and we were able to go sledding in the snow. Anna and Chris came over with the girls and we all went sledding. Afterwards we had hot chocolate and pop corn! It was a fun afternoon. Danny also built a great snow man!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow!

It has been snowing since we woke up this morning and has been so beautiful. Annika got to play in it for the first time. She loved it so much and was so upset when it was time to go inside.

Christmas Morning Cinnamon Rolls Easy

This morning after being woken up at 5am by a sweet little girl of mine I decided to make this recipe, I have wanted to try from my cousin. She said it was super easy but she is an excellent chef so I was not really sure how easy it really would be. But to my amazement it was super easy and delicious! I made some eggs and orange juice and me and Annika served, Oma, Danny, Amy and Katie all breakfast in bed on this beautiful snowie morning! Enjoy, we sure did! Thanks Natalie!

Super Easy Christmas Morning Cinnamon Rolls


¤ 2 cups flour

¤ 1 Tablespoon baking powder

¤ 1 teaspoon salt

¤ ¼ teaspoon baking soda

¤ ¼ cup vegetable oil

¤ ¾ cup buttermilk

¤ 8 Tablespoon butter, softened

¤ ¾ cup granulated sugar

¤ 1 teaspoon cinnamon

¤ Cinnamon Frosting (below), if desired

Combine flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl and mix well. Stir in vegetable oil. Add buttermilk and stir just until blended. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth. Roll dough into a 15x8-inch rectangle. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Grease a 9-inch round baking pan lightly. Spread butter over the dough. Combine granulated sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl and mix well. Sprinkle over butter. Roll up rectangle, jelly roll fashion, starting from one long side. Pinch seam to seal. Cut the roll into 1 ½ inch slices. Arrange slices, cut side up, in prepared baking pan. Bake until lightly browned, about 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven. Serve hot with frosting, if desired. Cinnamon Frosting: ½ cup butter, 2 ½ cups confectioners’ sugar, 2 Tablespoons milk, 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. In a small mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients; beat until smooth.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Our House Hunting Story So Far!

So we have been looking for a house for a house to buy now for about a month. We have seen one house we really liked go before we could even put an offer on it. We have made two other offers on two other house's we really liked. The first house we found out that they had already had an offer that they had taken and the second house we were out bid. Everyone tells us there is something better out there for us so that is what we are trying to focus on. We just put a third offer on a home that is foreclosed and it will go to the highest bidder. We will find out on Monday if we got that house! Both Danny and I never thought we would make so many offer and not get any of these house's. But I guess that is what happens when you are trying to get a deal on a foreclosed home! Here is a glimpse of what we could have owned. These are the first two homes! We loved the first house the most and saw a lot of potential in the second home!


I don't need to say much about this video other than Annika loves it!

Marrit is doing great and getting Bigger!

Our First Snow

So this past week we woke up to it snowing! We did not get very much as you can see in the pictures, but we sure did enjoy it! Everyone asked us what we thought of it and both of us said we felt like we were on vacation. Any time before when we have been in the snow we have been on vacation! It was a lot of fun! My parents pond froze over so the girls and my dad went on it! Annika thought it was great!

Happy St. Nick!

As many of you know we celebrate St Nick on December 5th which is the dutch Christmas. I have really enjoyed this tradition growing up and Danny has been enjoying it since we have been married! Normally we would make almond cup cakes for all are friends and family and deliver them to there house's, but this year was a little different. Since we just moved to Indiana and are still getting to know people we just got together with my family and exchanged rhymes and gifts as we waited for St. Nick to arrive. We all had a very good time. Annika received a play kitchen from us and she loves it! Here are a few picture of are evening! We really did not take very many.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanks Giving!

Happy Thanks Giving! Marrit is 3 weeks old today! We cannot believe it!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Marrit Grace is Home!

Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! Marrit Grace got to come home last Sunday after spending 10 days in the NICU. We were such proud and happy parents when we got to pick her up and bring her home. She has been doing great and is adjusting well. She is getting bigger and stronger each day. We have to keep her home for at least two weeks and then be very careful when we do go any where. She is an easy going and pretty content baby. She loves being held and sleeps great! We have really been enjoying having her home and getting to spend so much time with her. Annika at first was very jealous and wanted nothing to do with her. She did not want us to hold Marrit either. After a couple of days though she has warmed up to the idea of being a big sister and now love to help change her, feed her and hold her. Annika thinks it is pretty funny when Marrit makes noise and she has to check on her several times when she is sleeping!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 6 Marrit Grace

Another great day! Very tired mom and dad today, but little Marrit is getting stronger and stronger and eating very well.

Day 5 Marrit Grace

Today was such a great day! I got to hold her and feed her, her first bottle! She did great! I pretty much held her all day, it was so nice! It looks like if everything continues to go well she will come home on Sunday! Danny had to go back to work today. His day was very busy but went well. He either visits her before work or after. It makes for a long day for him. But he does not seem to mind. I am doing well still trying to heal and get caught up on my sleep(which will probably never happen). Annika is doing surprisingly well, it has worked out so well that we are living with my parents because she has not had to be pulled from her comfort zone. They have been such a huge help and I do not know what we would have done without them. We can not wait for her to meet her baby sister! Sorry I do not have any new picture to post, I was to busy holding her today. I will take some more tomorrow!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 4 Marrit Grace

Doing even better today off of the oxegyn!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 3 Marrit Grace

After a ruff day yesterday and Marrit not doing so well it was great to get to the hospital this morning and see her off of the venalitor. She had a much better day and I got to hold her and change two diapers. Marrit is breathing much better and getting stronger!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Marrit Grace Thompson Born 11/5/2009 11:34am

Marrit Grace Thompson was born 11/5/2009 at 11:34am. Weighing 6lb 10oz, 21in long. The delivery went so smooth she was out within 5 minutes of pushing. Danny and I both thought to our self that it went way to smooth. Marrit was having a little trouble breathing normal and was was making a lot of noise grunting and and breathing. We thought that maybe it was just her getting used to being out in the world. After it did not stop for a couple hours we got concerned and brought her to the nursery to be check out. There we found out that her heart rate and respiratory breathing was way to high. They right away called in a pediatrician and had some test done. From there they found fluid in her lungs and her white blood cell count was very low. She was also so tired from working so hard all afternoon at breathing that she kept stopping and they had to hook her up to a respirator and oxygen. From there they decided that she would be better off at the NICU in Indy. So they had her transferred there. We got to go along and stay for 1 hour and then I had to be back at the hospital to have some test run and be discharged. We got back from the NICU at 2am. We were able to go see Marrit today and she is off of the oxygen but still has to still be on the respirator. They are pretty sure that she has pneumonia. They will keep her in the NICU probably for 7-10 days. We are so happy to have her here and fighting to get better. She is in a great place and getting the best care possible. It is hard not being able to stay with her all the time and being so far away but we will make it work. We are so proud of her and can not wait to bring her home! We are both pretty tired and hopefully going to get some sleep and get caught up.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Congratulation Danny!

Danny has been working so hard looking for a job since we have moved here and this last week things finally paid off. Danny got offered a job with an Electronic Recycling company. They are all over the United States. He went in for an interview for a driving position and he got asked if he would take a warehouse supervisor position instead. He has worked 2 full days so far and really likes the plant manager and he really likes Danny. It of course is a lot of new information and a bit overwhelming so far but he is very excited. We are both really happy that it is a position that is not seasonal and we will have a dependable income. He will be working 7:30-4 every day with lots of possible over time. His job will be to supervise 4 guys that will work in the warehouse checking in all of the electronics that come in and then placing them where they need to go. After he took this job he got 4 other calls for job offers. He is really glad though that he took this job. It is about a 20-30 minute drive to work for him each day. Congratulations Daddy!

Happy Harvest Time

We got to go to an amazing pumpkin patch this year with my sisters and there family's. We has so much fun! It was a bit chilly on the day that we went but we still had a great time. Annika's favorite things was the animals for sure. She loves them and cannot get enough of them. She will make the sounds of a cat, lamb and a horse. It is pretty cute and we need to try and get it on video. The pumpkin patch is also a christmas tree farm so they grow the pumpkins in the middle of all the christmas trees which it kind of funny. They had so much to do there. We are already looking forwards to going again next year.

During the week I was lucky enough to get to go to an apple orchard with my sister Anna and her girls. We had a lot of fun there. Annika loves apples and would pick up a couple and then all she wanted to do was sit down and eat them. She also did not want to get off the tractor ride we went on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Annika's 1st Birthday!

We cannot believe that are little one is 1 years old already. Yes this posting is a month late, but better late then never. Annika was lucky enough to get to celebrate her Birthday in CA with friends and also in Indiana with family. She got one early party and one late party! Here are some photo's from both events.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New Fun!

We have been here just a little over 3 weeks now and have been enjoying many new things. Here are a few photo's of the things we have been enjoying. Yes, I finally found my camera cord!

We got to Connors Prarie. It is a living history park and they have tons of animals.

Helping daddy mow the lawn.

Strawberries from the garden!