Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finding Crawdads

There was a really nice creek down the road from the cabin that we walked to several times. Amy and I went for a walk one evening and saw lots of crawdads. So we went back to the cabin to get some gear and see who we could get to join us. We caught only a few that night because a storm blew in really fast and we all had to run back to the cabin. The next day we went back for more fun and caught quit a few. Danny BBQ them and Amy, Katie, Marrit and Danny all enjoyed them! The girls thought it was great and Annika calls them "Crabdads". It was the first time that I had ever caught a crawdad.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Camping We Will Go!

The first weekend in June we went rented a cabin down south in Brown County. It was so much fun we stayed there three night with my parents, sisters, brother in law and niece! We had so much fun and I think we will start making it an yearly tradition!