Monday, February 22, 2010

New Home

Hi, So we have been in our NEW home for a week now and I must say it feels great! We are all a little worn out and tired but are loving every minute of it. We moved in last Saturday and had help from friends from church. Everything went really smoothly and quickly which was nice! We have had the hard wood floors redone, lots of plumbing work, new appliance's and are hot water heater went out a few days after living here so we have also replaced that. Danny has installed two of the three new toilets we bought because the old ones were cracked and we are about 50% unpacked and settled. We both cannot believe we own a home and feel so lucky.

Danny new job is going great! He has been so happy with it and enjoying it so much more then his last. The company is a lot smaller and is family owned and operated. It is a flooring company and Danny delivers flooring all over IN. So far so good and we are both very thankful for his job.

The girls are both doing great! Annika is almost 1 1/2 and is talking up a storm. She really enjoys her new home and the space that she has to play. She loves watching the cars, kids and what ever else she can see outside. Marrit is 3 1/2 month and has been growing so big. She sleeps great at night and loves watching her big sister play. She is a really easy going baby. We love them both so much! I will post pictures of the girls when I find my camera cord and some of the house when we have it a little more put together!